2nd Annual SENTER Conference

Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks and the SENTER Network of Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime are organizing the 2nd annual SENTER conference on Open source intelligence (OSINT) and the fight against cybercrime and cyberterrorism. The conference will take place on the 8th November 2017 in Hotel Park, Bled, Slovenia.

The main goals of the conference are to get an overview on the recent OSINT R&D results, present leading industrial solutions in that area, discuss the future and role of OSINT, and identify the pertinent issues of the fight against cybercrime, especially those related to crypto currencies.

The conference is intended for law enforcement agencies (LEA), judicial authorities, industry delivering specialized solutions for LEA, researchers and scientists working with LEA and defence topics, and other practitioners in the area of the fight against cybercrime. Representatives of the ENLETS (European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services) network will also attend the event.

More information about the conference can be found at conf.senter-project.eu.

Dan odprtih vrat

Institut Jožef Stefan je organiziral že 25. izvedbo tradicionalnih Dnevov Jožefa Stefana. V okviru teh je v soboto, 25. marca potekal tudi dan odprtih vrat. Obiskovalci so izbirali med številnimi programi obiskov in si med drugim ogledali tudi naš laboratorij. Obiskalo nas je 5 skupin in skupaj 45 obiskovalcev, ki so z zanimanjem spremljali kratke predstavitve o svetovnem spletu in varni uporabi internetnih storitev.

In the pioneering days of Internet the atmosphere on the net was friendly and collegial

Internet used to be a place for academics and experts in the open, collegial atmosphere. Things have changed in the meantime and effort will be needed to keep it in a form that will be beneficial for all, says Internet pioneer Borka Jerman Blazic.

More at the link below:


LIVE_FOR Kick Off Meeting

On 15.11.2015 with a kick off meeting organized by the Laboratory for Open systems and Networks  started the EU project “Criminal Justice Access to Digital Evidences in the Cloud – LIVE_FORensics” (LIVE_FOR). The project funded by DG Justice of European Commission is coordinated by the Laboratory of Open Systems and Networks. Main objectives of the project are research and development  of digital forensic methods to be applied in cloud computing  and preparation of training curriculum for education of persons involved in investigations that required cross-border collection of digital evidences and witness reports.




Laboratory for open systems and networks

  • Jamova cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana
  • + 386 (0)1 477 3900
  • info@e5.ijs.si