Seminars in 2024
- Ramanpreet Kaur, Artificial intelligence for cybersecurity, 7.10.2024
- Davud Topalović, IoT-based thermal model identification using neural ordinary differential equations, 21.8.2024
- Samed Bajrić, Presentation of research activities, 29.3.2024
- Martin Mihajlov, Presentation of research activities, 11.1.2024
Seminars in 2023
- Ramanpreet Kaur, AI-based solutions for different domains, 16.6.2023
- Davud Topalović, Identification of the physical parameters of a household, 14.11.2023
Seminars in 2022
- Tanja Pavleska, Trust, identity and governance in the digital age, 5.12.2022
Seminars in 2021
- Živa Stepančič, Presentation seminar: Modelling of flexibility potential in smart grids and statistical support in projects, 7.10.2021
- Dušan Gabrijelčič, Ramanpreet Kaur, Živa Stepančič: Presentation of projects: iFLEX, BD4OPEM, UiW, 13.5.2021
Seminars in 2020
- Živa Stepančič: Overview of statistical data analysis, 17.12.2020
Seminars in 2018
- Eleonora Zgonjanin: Information security in microfinancing institutions, 12.9.2018
- Živa Stepančič: Flex4Grid: final results, 14.6.2018
- Tanja Pavleska: COMPACT, 17.5.2018
- Tomaž Klobučar: Secure cross-border e-services: the SI-PASS and eID4U projects, 25.1.2018
Seminars in 2017
- Samed Bajrić: Boolean functions and their applications in cryptography, 30. 11. 2017
- Marina Trkman: Technological and business views of future eHealth ecosystem – retrospective on the first five months and plans for the near future, 16. 11. 2017
- Primož Cigoj: Web and web applications security evaluation and provision, 20. 9. 2017
- Marina Trkman, Živa Stepančič: Summer school on privacy, 20. 9. 2017
- Vladimir Jovanovikj: Context-aware security for protection of ubiquitous social systems, 14. 6. 2017
- Živa Stepančič: Introduction to LaTeX, 2. 2. 2016
Seminars in 2016
- Matija Jekovec: Improving the customer service support for on-line users by introducing modern web technologies, 27. 5. 2016
- Blaž Ivanc: Development approach to the attack modeling, Information security aspects of the public safety data interoperability network, 20. 9. 2016
Seminars in 2015
- Matej Babič: New Cybercrime Taxonomy, 9. 12. 2015
- Živa Stepančič: Survey analysis for digital market profiling in STORK2.0 project, 19. 11. 2015
- Tanja Arh: Presentation of Community of Practice (CoP) for Employment Service of Slovenia, 4. 11. 2015
- Blaž Ivanc: Analysis of Advanced Cyber Attacks with Quantified ESM, 3. 9. 2015
- Dušan Gabrijelčič: Presentation of the Flex4Grid project, 24. 4. 2015
Seminars in 2014
- Primož Cigoj: Dynamic forensic – D-FET infrastruktura, 7. 4. 2014
- Vito Tomažin: Digital forensics, 7. 4. 2014
- Blaž Ivanc: Metapodatki, slovarji in ontologije s poudarkom na komunikacijskih sistemih služb prvega odziva, 25. 9. 2014
- Primož Cigoj: Edufors – platforma v oblaku za izobraževanje na področju digitalne forenzike, 22.10.2014
Seminars in 2013
- Tanja Arh: Čezmejne e-storitve na podlagi e-identitet, 24. 5. 2013
- Andrej Jerman Blažič: Metode raziskovanja in raziskovalni problemi na področju »Game-Based Learning«, 27. 11. 2013
- Tomaž Klobučar: JSI’s pilot services in STORK 2.0, May 2013
- Maks Mržek: Fast Network communities vizualization on GPU, March 2013
- Maks Mržek: Trendi TEM v spletnih novicah, June 2013
Seminars in 2012
- Tanja Ažderska: User bias and information cascades in online trust systems, 19. 9. 2012
- Andrej Jerman Blažič: Analysing the required properties of business simulation games to be used in e-learning and education, 10. 5. 2012
- Maks Mržek: Omrežje Supervizor, 11. 1. 2012
- Maks Mržek: GPU Network analysis, 29. 5. 2012