Horizon 2020 was an EU Research and Innovation programme (2014 to 2020).

The Laboratory was involved in eight Horizon 2020 projects:

DEFENDER (Defending the European Energy Infrastructures) – Our role in the DEFENDER project was research, solution development and deployment in the field of critical energy infrastructure protection. We performed analysis of security threats and risks and developed solutions for their mitigation. Security solutions were evaluated in a real pilot environment of the Slovenian transmission system operator ELES.

COMPACT (Coordination and Support Action Bridging Eastern and Western Europe for better social media regulation in a converged environment) – The project performed extensive research on policies and regulatory frameworks, as well as pre-standardization efforts in social media for preventing fake news, hate speech, and information disorder in general. The Laboratory for open systems and networks led the work package for policies and regulatory frameworks, where a methodology for examining the regulatory landscape across the EU countries had been developed and piloted.

CONCORDIA (Cyber security competence for research and innovation) – CONCORDIA aimed at building the European secure, resilient, and trusted ecosystems. Our laboratory contributed with research and development activities in the areas of trust management, identity management, e-health services, and smart solutions for prevention and detection of cybersecurity threats.

iFlex (Intelligent Assistants for Flexibility Management) project focused on the design, development and evaluation of supporting tools for consumers’ successful participation in various flexibility services of the smart grid of the future and for their easier pursuit of sustainability goals in their premises.

BD4OPEM (Big Data for Open Innovation Energy Marketplace) project used a data-centric approach to innovate between the needs of energy stakeholders and the solutions being developed.

DE4A (Digital Europe for All) facilitated migration towards secure European digital public services co-delivered across borders, across sectors and with different participants, and implemented the latest EU directives and regulations (e.g. eIDAS, Single Digital Gateway). The project simplified the cross-border user interaction with the selected procedures, systems and platforms, and demonstrated in practice the benefits for different stakeholders of realizing across borders the principles of Once-Only and Digital-by-Default.

Flex4Grid (Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management) has created an open data and service framework that enables a novel concept of managing flexibility of prosumer demand and generation, utilising cloud computing for power grid management and, opening DSO infrastructure for aggregator services.

Athena aimed at removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchers, lowering gender imbalances in decision-making processes and generating a cultural change needed to avoid gender bias and discriminatory practices through implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).


Laboratory for open systems and networks

  • Jamova cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana
  • + 386 (0)1 477 3900
  • info@e5.ijs.si