Name of the project: KC CLASS – Cloud assisted services
Duration: 1. 1. 2011 – 31. 12. 2013
CLASS is Slovenian competence centre in the area of cloud computing. It brings together industrial companies and research institutions with a goal to develop cloud services and products.
- Zavod e-oblak
- Alpineon, d. o. o.
- CHS, d. o. o.
- Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
- Epilog, d. o. o.
- Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Mariboru
- Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Univerza v Ljubljani
- Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani
- Infotehna, d. o. o.
- InovaIT, d. o. o.
- Institut »Jožef Stefan«
- Joc, d. o. o.
- Nil, d. o. o.
- Primorski inštitut za naravoslovne in tehnične vede, Univerza na Primorskem
- Smart Com, d. o. o.
- Studio Moderna, d. o. o.
- Turboinštitut, d. d.
Activities and results
The main activities of the Laboratory for open systems and networks in the project are related to cloud security. Some of the development results include:
- A security component for OpenStack that solves several security problems present during the installation and running of the OpenStack platform;
- A prototype of a single sign-on solution that works across a variety of cloud platforms (OpenStack, Hyper-V, VMware).
Financing of the project
The project is being held under public call for proposals Delevopment of competence centres in the period 2010-2013. The operation is partially financed by the European union, European regional development fund.