DigSec – 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia – 23rd October

forenzikaThis conference is organized within the activity of the European month of Information security in order to promote the knowledge and information about everyday user facing with information threats and attacks to the user privacy when using the electronic communication services. Remedies and aligned training and education will be presented by international experts. For further information read the programme.

The conference is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Internet Society Slovenia. The attendance to the conference is free of charge but participants are asked to register on the portal to assure seat and participation.


Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI)
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Network of Excellence – SENTER

SENTERDirektorat za notranje zadeve Evropske komisije je sprejel v financiranje aktivnosti delovanja in razvoja Mreže Centrov odličnosti na področju boja zoper kibernetsko kriminaliteto – SENTER (Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime). Mrežo sestavljajo priznane univerze in raziskovalni centri iz starih članic EU ter tri iz skupine novejših članic EU. Med njimi je Slovenija z Laboratorijem za odprte sisteme in mreže Instituta “Jožef Stefan”. Delovanje mreže je namenjeno raziskavam metod in tehnik za preprečevanje kibernetske kriminalitete in kibernetskega terorizma ter prenosu in izmenjavi znanja z deležniki iz civilne sfere, tožilcev in organov pregona. Posebna pozornost bo namenjena vzpostavitvi partnerstva in sodelovanja s podobnimi institucijami iz ZDA, Latinske Amerike, Afrike, Avstralije in Azije, saj kibernetski kriminal nima mej in deluje na svetovnih kibernetskih omrežjih.


An Authentication and Authorization Solution for a Multi-Platform Cloud Environment (MUPOSS)

Providing security at all levels within the multi-platform cloud-computing environment is still not considered to be properly solved due to a variety of problems arising from technical and human-based sources. We have developed authentication-and-authorization solution based on the Single Sign-On (SSO) approach for cloud-service users and administrators in a multi-platform environment. The system developed enables user authentication for clouds provided as Infrastructure as a Service system built up from different OS systems. The solution enables the use of different services based on credentials that are authenticated only once and enable simple and efficient administration of the relevant data.

MUPOSS solution was published by Cigoj, Primož, and Borka Jerman Blažič. “An Authentication and Authorization Solution for a Multiplatform Cloud Environment.” Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 24.4-6 (2015): 146-156. This article was recently cited by Sette, Ioram S., David W. Chadwick, and Carlos AG Ferraz. “Authorization Policy Federation in Heterogeneous Multicloud Environments.” IEEE Cloud Computing 4.4 (2017): 38-47.


Final STORK 2.0 General Assembly

Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks at Jožef Stefan Institute is organizing together with Ministry of Public Administration the final general assembly of the STORK 2.0 project. The assembly will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 16. and 17. September 2015.


Laboratory for open systems and networks

  • Jamova cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana
  • + 386 (0)1 477 3900
  • info@e5.ijs.si