Prof. dr. Borka Jerman-Blažič is a scientific counsellor, was employed as a full professor at the at the , after finishing her mandate as a head of Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks at Jožef Stefan Institute in 2018. The Laboratory, under her leadership, was involved more than twenty years in European Union Research Program projects in the area of ICT and related field. After 25 years of teaching at basic and post-graduate level subjects from the electronic communication area, she is still aligned to the Business and Logistic units of the faculty for economic, University of Ljubljana as a leader of the national research program “Future internet technologies: concepts, architectures, services and socio-economic issues” (2018-2022) where researchers from both institutions are participating.
Currently she is leading the “Advanced internet technologies” post-graduate program at the International postgraduate school Jožef Stefant.
Borka Jerman-Blažič was a member and chair of numerous international committees and organizations, associations, like IEEE Computer Society, a member of the ACM. She is member of the New York Academy of science since 1991, member of IFIP TC6/TC11 on Multimedia Security. She was appointed member to UNECE/CEFAT UN (Economic Commission for Europe) group for Internet Enterprise Development, appointed member of eTEN management committee of EU, member of FP7 Programming Committee on Security, Chair of the Internet Society of Europe ( in the first mandate (2004-2007), distinguished member of Slovene Society for Informatics, member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Technology Enhanced e-Learning and International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology. She is holding Plaque of appreciation of the Thai Branch of IFIP and ACM for her services in Internet development and awards for best papers (IARIA IEEE conference). In 2017 she was awarded by the president of Republic Slovenia with a medal for her accomplishment in developing internet networks and aligned engineering fields. The Information Society Conference of Slovenia awarded her in 2018 with the plaque “the First lady of Internet”.
Borka Jerman-Blažič is holding MS in “Electrical Engineering” from University of Ljubljana and a PhD in “Natural and Computing Sciences” from University of Zagreb. Her postdoctoral fellowship as visiting scientist was at State University of Iowa, Ames, U.S, 1982-1983.
Working experience and expertise as international expert
Teaching assistant at University of Skopje, 1970 – 1971
Researcher at Jožef Stefan Institute, from 1971 – now
Head of Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks at Jožef Stefan Institute, 1992 – 2018
Full professor at University of Ljubljana, and member of the unit Business information systems and logistics, teaching from 1994-2018
Chair of Slovenian Standardisation Committee on ICT, 1991- now
Chair of the IST Standardization body for character set codes of former Yugoslavia, 1986 – 1991
Member of ISO JTC1, JTC1 SC2 and SC22, and CEN TC 304, (1986 – 1991)
CEN expert, 1986 – 2003 and member of the Technical committee TC 304
Member of IETF working group on Internationalization of network services, (1986 – 1991)
Project manager and general secretary of the first academic network in former Yugoslavia and the EUREKA project COSINE, 1989 – 1991
Project development officer at TERENA/RARE, 1991 – 1992
Chair of the WG on Internationalization of network services TERENA (Trans European Research and Academic Networks Association), 1992 – 2001
Member of the Technical Committee of TERENA (now incorporated in GEANT), (1996 – 2001)
Chair of the SETCCE board (Security Technology Competence Centre), 2001 – 2010, now commercial company
Director of the NATO Advanced Workshop on Security in communications, September, 15-18, Bled Slovenia, 2003, and Portorož, May 2001,
Member of the Internet Enterprises Experts of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), 2001-2003
Chair of the Executive Committee of the Coordinating Council of the European ISOC Chapters, 2004 – 2007
Member of the Programming Committee of World Wide Web Conference, New York, USA, May, 17-20, 2004, Virtual Goods Conference, 2002, 2004,
Member of the management board of Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, (2005 – 2009)
Member of the ICT standardisation board of EU ICTB, (2004-2006)
Member of SATENA – Association of Slovenian scientist in engineering and natural science, 2006 – now
Member of the Scientific Council for Engineering, Slovenian Agency for Research, 2006 -2010
Full professor of at International Post Graduate school Jožef Stefan, chair of program Advanced Internet technologies, 2012 – now
Member of the Scientific Council of the European Association for Privacy (2009- now
Chair of the Program Committee of the IFIP Conference: Security in Multimedia and Communications, Portorož, 2002
Chair of Slovenian Internet Society Chapter, 2004 – now
Member of the Scientific Council of EU for SEE-ERA Program (West Balkan) 2010
Member of the FP7 Program Board for Security, 2007-2013
Member of the Scientific Committee on Technical Sciences, R&D Agency of Slovenia (2006-2010)
National selector and member of UN WSA (World Summit (WSIS) Award on IS) Grand Jury Member (2009- now )
Member of the Council for e-Health of the Slovenian Ministry for Health (2007-2009)
Member of the Advisory Board of the EU Program on Cooperation in Science and Technology , eCOST, 2013-2015
EU expert/evaluator/reviewer in research programs from 1993 – now, Framework programs from FP4, H2020, Eureka/Eurostars, COST, CleanSky, Marie-Curie, Future Emerging Technologies, SESAR, Connecting European Facilities, Security, World Bank ect.
Member of the Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on Security (2014-2015)
Member of the State board for electronic communications, 2012-2017
Leader of a project team that set up the first public-key certification authority ( in Slovenia and enabled the transfer of know-how to the governmental bodies and ISP providers in the country. Participation in the development of the Telecommunication law of Slovenia and Slovenian Act on electronic commerce and electronic signature
Principal investigator of several research studies and projects for the Slovenian government in the field of strategic development of telecommunications and information infrastructure
Programme committees member, organizer of international conferences and workshops, reviewer of outstanding journals and magazines (Comp.Comm., IEEE Magazine on communications etc). Author of more than 150 articles in journals and conferences and several books published in the field
Member of the editorial board of three international journals
Lead of research teams in international projects
- LIVE_FOR – Criminal Justice Access to Digital Evidences in the Cloud – LIVE_FORensics Programme: EU DG Justice, 1.11.2016 – 30.10.2018
- EIO-LAPD European Investigation order – legal analysis and practical dilemmas of international cooperation, Programme: DG Just, 1.5.2019 – 30.4.2021
- GIRDA Gameplay for Inspiring Digital Adoption, 2016 KA2 ERASMUS, 1.11.2016 – 31.8.2019
- STORK 2.0. Towards a single European electronic identification and authentication area – eID CIP-ICT-PSP 297263, 1.5.2012 – 1.8-2015
- e-SENS – Electronic Simple European Networked Services, EU ICT/CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, 1.4.2013-30.3.2017
- DFET – Dynamic Forensics Evaluation and Training, EU Pogramme: Prevention of and Fight Against Crime (ISEC), 6. 1. 2014 – 5. 1. 2016
- SENTER Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in CybercrimProgramme: HOME/ISFP (Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020), 1.1.2016 – 1.1.2018
- STORK 2.0 – Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0, EU CIP, 1.4.2012 – 30.9.2015
- COURAGE, Fight against CyberCrime and CyberTerrorism, EU FP7, Security, 2014-2016,
- ReDIRNET, Telecommunication services and interoperable exchange of data for theEuropean First responders, EU FP7, Security , 2014-2016,
- EIFFEL, Evolving Future Internet for European Leadership, FP6, Grant No216068 PR-01830, T080070 1.1.2008 – 31.10.2010
- UNITE, Upgrading ICT Excellence by Strengthening Cooperation between Research Teams in an Enlarged Europe, 1.2.2010 – 31.4.2013
- GLOBAL, Global Linkage Over Broadband Links GLOBAL, FP7, 223120, PR-02142, T080016, 1.5.2008 – 31.10.2010,
- WEforYOU, Researchers for the society and the citizens, researchers night, 1.5.2015-30.10.2015
- RENATECH, Researchers for Nature Preservation and Technology use for the benefit of the society – 1. 5. 2013 – 30. 10. 2013
- DIADEM FIREWALL – Distributed Adaptive Security by Programmable Firewall, FP 6, 2012-2014
- INSARTY, Introducing Science and Art to Slovenian Youth in Citizens – INSARTY (researchers night) 1. 5. 2011 – 30. 10. 2011
- ALIPRO (Supporting the Alignment of IST research Programs on mobile communications in the new member states), SSA,FP6 project, Grant No:: 015811, 2005-2006.
- FOCUS – SIAT – EU Program Interreg, Pospeševanje e-Poslovanja v Obmejni Regiji Avstrije in Slovenije s Pomočjo e-Izobraževanja, 2003 – 2006
- DAIDALOS (Designing Advanced Network Interfaces for the Delivery of Location Independent, Optimized Personal Services), EU FP5, Grant No: 50699 7, 1.11.2003 – 30.4.2006.
- BReATH (Broadband e-Services and Access for the Home), SSA, FP6, 2005-2006.
- NoE. PROLEARN, Professional Learning, Network of Excellence, FP6, 2006-2009
- SERENITY (System Engineering for Security and Dependability), IP, FP6, 1.1.2006-31.12.2008.
- UNIVERSAL, Platform development – Universal Brokerage Platform (UBP) for exchange of learning resources for EU Higher Education Institutions, FP5, 3.1.2000 – 1.12.2003,
- NASTEC, Building trust in networking in Newly Associated States through the use of secure information society technologies, FP5, 2001-2003
- HYPERGEO, Easy and Friendly access to geographic information for mobile users 1.1.2000- 31.12.2001, EU FP5
- MAITS – Multilingual Application Interface for Telematic Services, EU FP5, 9/1995 – 4/1997
- ICE – CAR – Interworking Public Key Certification Infrastructure for Commerce, Administration and Research, FP4, 1.3. 1998-1.3.2000, FP4
- ICE – TEL – Interworking Public Key Certification Infrastructure for Europe 1.12.1995-1.12.-1997, FP4
- NICE – National Host Interconnection Experiments, 1.1.1996-31.12-1998, FP4
- FAIN – Future Active Networks, 1.5.2000 – 1.7.2003; FP5
- iCAMP (Innovative, inclusive, interactive & intercultural learning campus), 0271681.10, 2005-30.9.2008.
- EUREKA 8, COSINE, Cooperation of Open Systems Interconnection in Europe, 1986-1991
Awards and honours
Slovenian award for scientific excellence, 1986,
IFIP and ACM (Thai Section) Plaque of appreciation, 1994
Best paper award, IARIA CONFERENCE on Digital society, 2006 and 2010
Ljubljana University (Economics Faculty) award for excellent research work, 2009
President of Slovenia Republic medal for achievements in developing Internet, 2017
Information Society Conference 2018, Plaque for “The first lady of Internet”
More than 350 publications in SCI journals, referenced Proceedings, monographs, books, editor of security content related books (IOS Press, Kluwer) etc.