Name of the Project: SENTER – Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime
Programme: HOME/ISFP (Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020)
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 1.1.2018

The main goal of the project was to create a single point of Reference for EU national Cybercrime Centres of Excellence (hereinafter – CoE) and develop further the Network of national CoE into well-defined and well-functioning community.

The project “Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime“ (hereinafter – SENTER project, Reference No HOME/2014/ISFP/AG/7170) was funded by the European Commission under Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020 (ISFP).


  1. Mykolas Romeris University (MRU, the Coordinator, LT),
  2. Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education (L3CE, LT)
  3. Ekonomines konsultacijos ir tyrimai (EKT, LT),
  4. Masaryk University (C4E, CZ),
  5. Katholieke Universeit Leuven (KUL, BE),
  6. French Cybercrime centre of Excellence (CECyF, FR),
  7. Tallinn University of Technologies (TUT, EE),
  8. University of Albstadt-Sigmaringen for Applied Science (UASAS, DE),
  9. International Cyber Investigation Training Academy (ICI, BL),
  10. Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH, GR),
  11. Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI, SI).

Associated Partner:

  1. States of Jersey Police.

The Target groups were:

  • LEA organizations: police, prosecutors, judges,
  • Relevant NGO and mediation institutions,
  • Education – police colleges, universities, competence
  • Certification and qualification control bodies
  • Science – Universities, hubs, clusters, R&D institutions or departments
  • International – EUROPOL, INTERPOL, EC3
  • Intersecting domains networks – InSafe, NET


Laboratorij za odprte sisteme in mreže

  • Jamova cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana
  • + 386 (0)1 477 3900
  • info@e5.ijs.si