Name of the Project: SENTER – Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime
Programme: HOME/ISFP (Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020)
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 1.1.2018
The main goal of the project was to create a single point of Reference for EU national Cybercrime Centres of Excellence (hereinafter – CoE) and develop further the Network of national CoE into well-defined and well-functioning community.
The project “Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime“ (hereinafter – SENTER project, Reference No HOME/2014/ISFP/AG/7170) was funded by the European Commission under Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020 (ISFP).
- Mykolas Romeris University (MRU, the Coordinator, LT),
- Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education (L3CE, LT)
- Ekonomines konsultacijos ir tyrimai (EKT, LT),
- Masaryk University (C4E, CZ),
- Katholieke Universeit Leuven (KUL, BE),
- French Cybercrime centre of Excellence (CECyF, FR),
- Tallinn University of Technologies (TUT, EE),
- University of Albstadt-Sigmaringen for Applied Science (UASAS, DE),
- International Cyber Investigation Training Academy (ICI, BL),
- Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH, GR),
- Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI, SI).
Associated Partner:
- States of Jersey Police.
The Target groups were:
- LEA organizations: police, prosecutors, judges,
- Relevant NGO and mediation institutions,
- Education – police colleges, universities, competence
- Certification and qualification control bodies
- Science – Universities, hubs, clusters, R&D institutions or departments
- International – EUROPOL, INTERPOL, EC3
- Intersecting domains networks – InSafe, NET