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»Pametni otrok« iz Slovenije je prišel v ožji izbor nagrade ZN na področju informacijske družbe in Evropske nagrade za za mlade ustvarjalce

Na natečaju za nagrado Združenih narodov – Svetovni vrh za informacijsko družbo in Evropsko nagrado za mlade ustvarjalce se je slovenska aplikacija “Pametni otrok” podiplomskega študenta Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožef Stefan, Primoža Cigoja, uvrstila med finaliste v kategoriji “Izobraževanje za vse”.


Vljudno vabljeni na OKROGLO MIZO z razpravo


v ponedeljek, 26. novembra 2012 ob 15.30 uri v veliki dvorani na Ministrstvu za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport, Masarykova 16, Ljubljana.

Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport organizira javno okroglo mizo z razpravo o morebitnih spremembah upravljanja interneta na WCIT-12 (World Conference on International Telecommunication).

Na WCIT-12, ki jo organizira Svetovna telekomunikacijska zveza (ITU) letos decembra, bo po 24 letih na dnevnem redu spreminjanje Mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih predpisov (ITR), ki opredeljujejo načela zagotavljanja in delovanja mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih storitev, namenjenih javnosti.

Pričakuje se, da bodo nekatere države zagovarjale uveljavitev zaračunavanja mednarodnega internetnega prometa, podobno kot pri telefoniji – in predlagale, da morajo vsaj del nadzora nad internetom prevzeti ITU. Nekateri deležniki se zavzemajo tudi za spremembo pravil upravljanja interneta, zagotavljanja kvalitete storitev (QoS) in modelov medomrežnega povezovanja. Če bo do predlaganih sprememb prišlo, nevtralnosti interneta in v splošnem interneta, kot ga poznamo danes, ne bo več.

Okrogla miza je namenjena razpravi o vlogi mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih pravil, težnjah po njihovem spreminjanju na WCIT-12, predvsem pa o vplivu morebitnih sprememb ITR-ov na upravljanje interneta. Razprava bo tudi o stališčih, ki jih bo na WCIT-12 zastopala uradna delegacija Republike Slovenije.

V razpravi bodo sodelovali:

dr. Žiga Turk, minister za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport
dr. Borka Jerman Blažič, predsednica Internet Society – Slovenia
Aleš Špetič, glasnik digitalnih tehnologij
Davor Šoštarič, direktor Izum
dr. Dušan Caf, predsednik Sveta za elektronske komunikacije
Franc Dolenc, direktor Apek
Kruno Kisiček, Telekom Slovenije d.d.
Boštjan Košak, direktor Amis d.o.o.
Razgovor bo povezoval Marjan Turk, Direktorat za informacijsko družbo, MIZKŠ.

Prosimo vas, da svojo udeležbo sporočite do petka, 23. 11. 2012, na naslov: katja.telic@gov.si.

TwinTide AUtumn Training SchOol: REsearch Methods for Human-Computer Interaction (TUTOREM)

Date: 5th – 9th November 2012
Venue: Hotel Kompas, Bled, Slovenia

Organizing Committee

Main Organizers:
Effie Lai-Chong Law, University of Leicester, UK/ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gilbert Cockton, Northumbria University, UK
Local Organizers:
Matic Pipan, Tanja Arh, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Main goal of the TUTOREM Training School:

The overarching goal of TUTOREM is to improve participants’ understanding of significant research methods commonly or increasingly used in the field of HCI. Such an enhanced understanding will enable them to select and combine appropriate research methods for their specific HCI projects and to contextualise them without unintended impacts on validity. While we recognise the importance of theories that inform the development of research methods, due to the time constraint no session is dedicated to HCI theories. Nevertheless, relevant theoretical frameworks will be addressed in individual sessions of TUTOREM, which consist of lectures, workshops and discussions. In addition, student participants will collaboratively work in small groups on a mini-project with the topic identified by the School’s lecturers.

More info: TUTOREM Training School

7th Slovenian IPv6 Summit

On 18 October, Go6 InstituteARNES, and LTFE are hosting the 7th Slovenian IPv6 Summit, the main Slovenian and regional event intended to provide updates on the progress, achievements and best practices in the transition to IPv6, and the adoption of the protocol in business environments and organisations.

Attendees are invited to attend both the Slovenian IPv6 Summit on Thursday and the ION Conference on Friday, 19 October.

19 October 2012 – ION Conference

 9:00 AM

Opening Remarks

Borka Jerman-Blažič, Internet Society Slovenia Chapter

9:15 AM

Welcome & About Deploy360

Richard Jimmerson, Internet Society

Richard Jimmerson will discuss the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, the resources currently available, and the process of gathering community feedback to add more information to this free and open resource.

9:30 AM

IPv6 in the Enterprise: Real-world Deployment Experiences

Moderator: Jan Žorž (go6 Institute); Panelists: Lee Howard (Time Warner Cable); Simeon Lisec (Telekom Slovenije); Irena Nikolova (Google); Alain Fiocco (Cisco)

Panelists will discuss their experiences deploying IPv6 in their organizations, the technical and organizational challenges they faced, and the current status of their deployments.

10:30 AM

Consolidating Best Current Operational Practices Repositories

Aaron Hughes, 6connect

There are efforts across the globe to provide repositories of Best Common Practices (BCPs), Best Current Operational Practices (BCOPs), standards, and other referenceable material in Internet engineering. This session will highlight each of the efforts, what’s going on in each, and steps going forward to consolidate them.

10:45 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 AM

Deploying DNSSEC: From End-customer to Content

Moderator: Olaf Kolkman (NLnet Labs); Panelists: Carsten Strotmann (Men & Mice); Daniel Federer (SIDN); Benjamin Zwittnig (ARNES)

What needs to be done for DNSSEC to be deployed on a large scale? Panelists will discuss their experience in implementing DNSSEC within the environments of a network operator, enterprise, application developer, enterprise and for a regular domain name holder.  Challenges to DNSSEC deployment will be discussed along with opportunities to address those challenges.

12:00 PM

World IPv6 Launch Results

Moderator: Richard Jimmerson (Internet Society); Panelists: John Brzozowski (Comcast); Jason Fesler (Yahoo!); Nathalie Trenaman (RIPE NCC)

On 6 June 2012, thousands of websites, network, and electronics vendors participated in World IPv6 Launch and permanently enabled IPv6. In this session, participants will discuss their experiences and provide some follow-up statistics and results.

1:00 PM


2:00 PM

DNSSEC Training Workshop

Olaf Kolkman, NLNet Labs

In this workshop, attendees will learn the basics of DNSSEC and how it can help secure the DNS infrastructure. The session will include:

  • Fundamentals of DNS and DNSSEC
  • DNSSEC Validation
  • Signing of Domains with DNSSEC
  • Tools for working with DNSSEC
  • Troubleshooting DNSSEC

Come prepared with your questions and be ready to leave with enough knowledge to get started with securing your DNS with DNSSEC.

bilateralni projekt,cyper

Obisk raziskovalcev iz Cipra

V okviru znanstvenoraziskovalnega sodelovanja med Republiko Ciper in Laboratorijem za odprte sisteme in mreže Instituta »Jožef Stefan« nas bodo med 18. in 20. oktobrom obiskali raziskovalci iz Cyprus University of Technology. Tema obiska bo kreativna multimodalna informacijska okolja za učenje na osnovi reševanja problemov.


Laboratorij za odprte sisteme in mreže

  • Jamova cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana
  • + 386 (0)1 477 3900
  • info@e5.ijs.si