Name of the projecte4VET – Enhancing, Empowering and Emphasizing E-learning in Vocational Education and Training
Duration: 12/1/2008 – 12/1/2010
Website: www.e4vet.eu

The general aim of the “e4VET Community Portal” project is to improve the ability of VET institutions to use ICT and strengthen the ICT competence of the following target groups: teachers of general and vocational subjects, mentors of practical training in schools and enterprises and adult education and training.

The “e4 VET Community Portal” project is primarily aiming at the promotion of the attractiveness of VET schools by establishing an open VET Community Portal by connecting different open source systems and tools and provides interoperability amongst them. The project will offer teachers of general and vocational subjects in VET, mentors of practical training in schools and enterprises, and teachers specializing in adult education and training both innovative and easy-to-use tools for developing e-learning materials, collaboration and interaction as well as access to a broad variety of e-learning materials. “e4 VET Community Portal” project will improve the ability of teachers in VET to make pedagogical use of ICT, through the establishment of a VET Community Portal providing e-learning materials developing tool and guidelines and resources for teachers. Improved teachers’ training is expected to have a significant impact on the quality and efficiency of VET.

The objectives of the project are:

  • to establish VET Community Portal (building on current best practice and existing implementations and e-learning standards) within the 40 members of Slovenian TTnet – Teacher Training Network;
  • to promote the VET Community Portal to different VET sectors in different countries;
  • to develop guidance, templates and e-courses (How to develop e-learning materials?, How to become a successful e-tutor?) for teachers and mentors in VET;
  • to train 60 teachers of general and vocational subjects in VET, mentors of practical training in schools and enterprises for the use of VET Community Portal in all the 3 partner countries for at least 4 VET sectors (electrical engineering, transport and logistics, economics and food technology);
  • to produce at least 120 items of e-learning materials under Creative Commons license for identified VET sectors, including the interactive “emodules” (following the decentralisation of schools and modularisation and open curricula methods);
  • to ensure the quality of products by systematic evaluation during the lifecycle of the project;
  • to ensure the sustainability of project outcomes by implementation into national system (expert council for VET) and further upgrading of outcomes by means of European Social Fund.


Laboratory for open systems and networks

  • Jamova cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana
  • + 386 (0)1 477 3900
  • info@e5.ijs.si