Name of the Project: ICOPER – Interoperable Content for Performance in a Competency-Driven Society
Duration: 1. 9. 2008 – 28. 2. 2011
ICOPER is an international project from the program eContentPlus. It verifies the adequacy of standards for technology-based learning for higher education and describe good practice in the field of competence, learning design processes, preparation of training materials, distribution of educational material and evaluation of learning and quality materials. The project aims to improve standards so as to meet the increasingly complex process of education through distance learning and on that basis to make a single reference model.
The most important project reulsts:
- ICOPER reference model
- OICS (Open ICOPER Content Space)
- Educational applications
Our Publications:
- NAJJAR, Jad, DERNTL, Michael, KLOBUČAR, Tomaž, BERND, Simon, TOTSCHNIG, Michael, GRANT, Simon, PAWLOWSKI, Jan M. A data model for describing and exchanging Personal Achieved Learning Outcomes (PALO). International journal of IT standards & standardization research, 2010, vol. 8, št. 2, str. 87-104.
- NAJJAR, Jad, KLOBUČAR, Tomaž, NGUYEN-NGOC, Anh Vu, TOTSCHNIG, Michael, MUELLER, Franz, SIMON, Bernd, KARLSSON, Mikael, ERIKSSON, Henning. Towards Outcome Based Learning: An Engineering Education Case, EDUCON 2011, IEEE, 2011, str. 1039-1048.
- KLOBUČAR, Tomaž, NAJJAR, Jad. Learning outcome-driven technology enhanced learning in higher education. V: CUNNINGHAM, Paul (Ed.), CUNNINGHAM, Miriam (Ed.). eChallenges 2010 : conference and exhibition 27-29 October, Warsaw, Poland. Dublin: IIMC: = International Information Management Corporation, 2010, 8 strani.
- KLOBUČAR, Tomaž. Tehnološko podprta uporaba koncepta učnih izidov v e-izobraževanju = Technology supported use of the learning outcomes concept in e-education. V: RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav (ur.), BERNIK, Mojca (ur.), URBANČIČ, Tanja (ur.). Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi : zbornik konference : conference proceedings. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo Republike slovenije za šolstvo in šport: Institut Jožef Stefan: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo; Kranj: Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, 2010, 9 strani.
- KLOBUČAR, Tomaž. Učni izidi in tehnološko podprto učno okolje = Learning outcomes and technology enhanced learning environment. V: KERN, Tomaž (ur.), RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav (ur.), PAAPE, Björn (ur.), FERJAN, Marko (ur.). 29. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, 24.-26. marec 2010, Portorož , Slovenija = 29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, 24-26 March 2010, Portorož , Slovenia. Človek in organizacija : zbornik 29. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti : proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2010, str. 646-652.